KENWOOD DMR system provides a smooth transition from analogue to digital communications at Folly Farm Adventure Park & Zoo

NX-1000 Series based DMR digital radio system supports safety and operations at award winning adventure park and zoo in South Wales. The new KENWOOD digital DMR system operates in UHF simplex mode and was supplied and programmed by Communic8 Hire Ltd. It provides coverage throught all key area of the site, while the eighty NX-1300DE2 hand-portable radios and two NX-1800DE mobiles are in use by functional teams including animal keepers, ride staff, security, and many more.
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Zorlu Center Istanbul Revisited: 'an impossible dream' realised

The original Kenwood NEXEDGE NXDN digital system in place for the opening of Zorlu Center was supplied and installed by Avrasya Communications Systems Ltd of Istanbul and consisted of some hand-portable and mobile radios operating on a NEXEDGE NXDN four-channel, single site trunked network.
Since then, the system has been reconfigured to accommodate the 48 user groups, and in the most part, the devices upgraded to NX-3000 and NX-5000 Series radio devices which incorporate advanced worker safety features and enhanced noise reduction technologies.
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NEXEDGE communication system in the Polsat Plus Arena Gdańsk

The Gdańsk Arena has a seated capacity in excess of 41,000 and when it is not home to Lechia Gdańsk FC and international matches, it plays host to numerous large indoor events and concerts. Find out more about NEXEDGE NXDN system that has provided outstanding service for over eight years in support of safety, security and stadium operations.
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NEXEDGE NXDN digital forms the new backbone to St. John Ambulance communications systems

With roots stretching back over 900 years, when the Knights of St John set up the Knights Hospitaller and the first Hospital of St John in Jerusalem, St John Ambulance is a dynamic, volunteer-led charity supporting communities and the NHS with first aid and first responder cover.
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Supporting Productivity and Future Growth at a World-Class Coal Mine in Mongolia with NEXEDGE Multi-site Digital Trunking System

Mines present a challenging environment for radios, and the sprawling operations at Tavan Tolgoi are no exception. However, in 2018 ETT Mining adopted a NEXEDGE multi-site digital trunking system that offers coverage and clarity that far surpass the old analog communications system while serving as a springboard for future expansion.
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The Zoo of the Future - Supported by KENWOOD NXDN digital technology

Leipzig Zoo’s website opens with a reference to a unique concept in species-appropriate husbandry and conservation, education and exciting discovery tours. “We are on our way to becoming the Zoo of the Future. Our zoo is home to some 850 animal species and subspecies and is one of the most famous and most modern zoos in the world."
The digital two-way radio technology used here is just as future-oriented as the zoo. “We were looking to create a high-performance, expandable and flexible radio network with good data security” ,explained Martin Gericke, the specialist responsible for digital technology at the Max Planck Institute. He and his colleagues use 25 digital NXDN devices for the team based at the zoo.
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Great acoustics both on stage and behind the scenes at the Leipzig Opera with KENWOOD NEXEDGE NXDN

Leipzig Opera's experts use digital NXDN devices from Kenwood along with two mobile radio devices ("base stations") in the lighting control room and where the Opera House's machinery is operated.
The technical departments at the Leipzig Opera have been using radios for in-house communication since 2001 and put their faith in Kenwood right from the start. Recently, only digital radios from the NXDN family have been used. "Positive experiences with the regional dealer, Funktechnik Dathe, meant that we stayed with Kenwood. The service is practically around the corner," the lighting director Herr Brosch explains the decision.
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A rich history with a strong stake in the future

After nineteen years in production, JVCKENWOOD finally discontinued production the TS-2000E at the end of 2018. The 160m-23cm all-mode “2000 Series” was the company’s longest running base station and many thousands found their way into Ham shacks throughout the world.
As a company built on applying the latest technology to radio communications equipment, you might wonder how a KENWOOD product launched in 2001 could remain in production for so long. The answer is simple, because we believe that the market and existing owners of Ham radio equipment don’t want to invest their hard-earned savings into products with built-in obsolescence and certainly don’t need shiny bells and whistles if they don’t deliver a leap forward in performance. It’s this approach to the careful development and testing of Ham radio equipment and the release of firmware updates throughout a product’s lifecycle that ensures continuity of support to Ham radio users throughout a long product lifespan.
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